
Lake Norman Parent Testimonals

"This group has been an absolute "cherry on top" of our move to Davidson..."

"I'm really enjoying my time with [my Exceptional Peer}! Just wanted to say thank you for all you do - it's a wonderful program."

On Exceptional Peers Program: "Mara has been a fabulous peer buddy for [my son]!  She is so sweet and fun and in touch.... Today they bowled and played in the arcade. They have played dodgeball, played with Mara's new puppy, played at hornets nest park, played mini golf, and painted at Meg-art. [He] has enjoyed spending time with her and she is an awesome role model!"

On Exceptional Peers Program: "These friendships are something that don't just happen organically. Currently she has no one from school that she socializes with. All schools need buddy programs!"

"One of my biggest regrets was waiting so long to talk to others who understood what I was going through. It has done wonders for me and I've also found invaluable information and resources by talking to other moms. You are not alone... the Exceptional Moms/Angels in Need group is a true blessing."

"It was like a breath of fresh air meeting you ladies. I've felt alone and like a single parent raising my special needs kids."

"Loved the benefit. It was a great experience. I got very emotional seeing all the smaller kids and so thankful that they found angels in need. It has been a blessing for us, and [my son]."

"I wanted to thank you for all that you do to make buddy club a success. I want to say thank you for allowing [my daughter] to be part of it. She had a great time and it was great to get to know the other parents also."

"Thank you so much, this was a great event and all you do matters a lot."

"[My daughter] has talked about her buddies several times over the weekend and that is HUGE. Huge! ... I am so grateful to them and to you!"


Upon learning of the Buddy Scholarships... "How wonderful....seriously I want to jump around for joy right now :)!!!!! Thank you so much!!!! This really helps [us] out!!! yay!!!"

Of Buddy Club: "[My son] would be lost without it!"

"Your email about the camp came at the right time and I've been so excited to know that he'll have fun things to do all summer.  He's excited too!  So, thank you! thank you! thank you!"


"thank you for the warm welcome"


"Now I will have some friends of my own so you don't have to be my friend now... you can just be my mom".


"I really thank your organization for hosting an event last year with some local OTs, that helped change our lives.  I was not really familiar with SPD but knew for years that something was off with my son, just couldn't figure out what and what category his behavior might fit into let alone how to help him."


"Thank you so much for providing (my child) this opportunity."


"we feel very fortunate to have found this very unique group.  We have just been here two months and you certainly have made it feel like home already.  So thanks to all of you for that."


"I just love you guys...you have no idea how much joy you bring to my life....because you afford our children opportunities, and it proves they are not forgotten members of society."


"It was also good to hear others describe the same frustrations and struggles - not that it makes it easier, but at least you are not alone."


"I'm especially excited for (my child) to make friends, meet others and be able to participate in activities where he won't be judged but can feel good about himself and build some long overdue self-esteem! I really feel empowered now to keep him as busy as he wants and to expose him to many different things without him falling apart because the session is too long or he is teased. God Bless you all."